The Fracking Debate Continues - Articles Reflect Conflicting Views

That is the question...
For most people, fracking is still something of an enigma.  Every time you think you start to figure it out, someone comes along and shares something new that could make you rethink what you thought knew and how it impacts your viewpoint of the controversial process that is used in gas and oil exploration.

Yesterday we directed attention to a new documentary in production which is calling out the media for putting a negative spin on fracking.  Today, a new editorial illustrates the divide between those who support fracking and those who feel that it is too dangerous to be allowed to continue, especially without more stringent regulating.  More after the jump...

An article at disputes the validity of the recent study which predicted that the gas and oil boom would add over 65,000 new jobs and billions of new dollars into Ohio's economy over the next few years, and criticizes the media for picking up the story and running with it.

The article's author, Kyle Swenson, points out that the study was commissioned by the Ohio Shale Coalition, a group composed of "a bunch of businesses, organizations, and individuals organized by the Ohio Chamber of Commerce to 'maximize the jobs and economic potential of shale gas,' according to the group's website."

Swenson's conclusion on the study:  "The equation here seems pretty simple: You have a pro-industry group hiring the industry intelligentsia to conduct a study, and hot damn, they happen to conclude the industry is good for Ohio. We're not saying all the findings are complete bunk, but you got to hoist up a red flag whenever someone with so much skin in the game begins issuing 'studies' and 'reports' that fit snug with their agenda."

So, what do you think?  Does the backing of the Ohio Shale Coalition invalidate the study, or at least raise serious questions about it's validity?  Or do you think the fact that a pro-drilling group commissioned the study had no influence on the findings?  Sound off with your thoughts here in the comments or over at the Daily Digger Forum!

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