NY Post Editorial Supports Fracking

A recent editorial in the New York Post cites the statement by US Environmental Protection Administrator Lisa Jackson at a February 22 energy conference in New Jersey as a reason for New York to lighten up and allow fracking.

"I think that fracking as a technology is perfectly capable of being clean.  I do," Jackson said.  More after the jump...

This is in agreement with statements by President Obama in his State of the Union address, when he noted the multiple benefits of fracking while also rejecting the notion that the process is tantamount to having "to choose between our environment and our economy."

Read the entire editorial here.

Do you agree with New York's cautious approach to fracking, or do you feel that it has been proven safe enough to allow it to happen?  Should Ohio's officials pull back on the reins on allowing fracking until more stringent regulations are in place?  Share your thoughts in the comments here or in the dedicated thread at the Daily Digger Forum!
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