Read an Excellent, Balanced Article on Fracking
The Globe and Mail, a Canadian news publication, features an excellent article about the impact that concerns over drilling procedures and their side effects could have on the shale boom.
While doing an excellent job of covering the reasons that many are concerned about fracking and injection well drilling, the article also gives good coverage of the other side of the issue.
If you are interested in gaining more background and understanding of some of the factors entering into the debate on fracking and the role that the federal government should take in regulating the oil and gas industry, this is a good article to check out.
After you read it, come back here to discuss what you think of the oil and gas exploration in our area and what side of the debate you come down on.

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While doing an excellent job of covering the reasons that many are concerned about fracking and injection well drilling, the article also gives good coverage of the other side of the issue.
If you are interested in gaining more background and understanding of some of the factors entering into the debate on fracking and the role that the federal government should take in regulating the oil and gas industry, this is a good article to check out.
After you read it, come back here to discuss what you think of the oil and gas exploration in our area and what side of the debate you come down on.
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