Don't Frack Ohio Event Has Strong Turnout

Roughly 1,000 people protested fracking in Columbus
UPDATE:  View an activist's summary of the day's events as well as several videos of the alarming stories told at the rally by clicking here.

View a news story on the event by clicking here.


Several pictures were posted on Twitter from Don't Frack Ohio's march on the state capitol this weekend.  Reportedly there were over 1,000 individuals who turned up to fight fracking.  Josh Fox was there to stoke the crowd by stating that their's was "one of the most amazingly educated movements [he's] ever seen" (which may be true, although the question of whether they are being educated with actual facts or simply alarmist propaganda from protest happy activists is a fair one).

As these people spent 3 days preparing for their big demonstration and then a fourth day protesting in Columbus, numbers were released on new job creation for May.  Ohio's new job creation accounted for 28% of the new jobs created in the entire United States.  If the fracktivists get their way, those numbers will be history.  It's a battle over realized economic impacts versus scientifically unsubstantiated environmental impacts.

Pictures from the big rally, as well as a picture of the Support Ohio Shale event and Truthland screening at COSI on Saturday, can be seen after the jump.

Another bottle of water supposedly taken straight from the tap of a contaminated well - No good fracktivist leaves home without a bottle that looks like this

Josh Fox stokes the flames of the frack fighters, AKA publicity tour for Gasland 2

And they sing anti-fracking songs.  Groovy.  Peace, dudes

And the industry has their shindig on Saturday, complete with a viewing of Truthland, their biased response to the biased Gasland

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