EcoWatch Fans the Flames of Fracking Fluid Fear

...from fracking, according to activists
EcoWatch has published a couple of articles recently which, in line with the fracktivist methodology, attempt to incite panic in landowners over the possibility of frack fluid ending up coming into contact with their water through as yet unproven and unexplained migration through thousands of feet of impermeable rock, or through spills on the way to fracking sites.

From the first article:
Though most of the individual chemicals are less than one ton, there are larger amounts of certain ingredients. For instance, hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric acid) totals a whopping 41 tons. Other ingredients, such as a ‘carbohydrate polymer’ comprise 33 tons, and a ‘synthetic organic polymer’ makes up 21 tons of the fluid. Other high-amount ingredients include tetramethyl ammonium chloride (13 tons), ‘aliphatic polyol’ (11 tons), potassium hydroxide (5.5 tons) and hydrotreated petroleum distillate (3 tons).

Excerpt from FracFocus data sheet showing amount of hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric acid) used in Chesapeake frack. Amounts in FracFocus are given as total percentage of the frack fluid by weight, not a very meaningful way to present this information to the public.
The problem is the incomplete disclosure of these chemicals. Each ingredient I’ve listed in the above paragraph in quotation marks has a generic name, and is lacking a Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) number that specifies what the chemical really is. Counting the three ingredients I’ve already listed in this article (the aliphatic polyol, the carbohydrate polymer and the synthetic organic polymer) there are a total of six ingredients in this particular mixture that have no CAS number. Totaled, this means almost half of the chemicals listed (by weight) have been purposely unaccounted for. 

That's right:  65 tons of mystery chemicals trucked down narrow country roads past farms, homes and schools, and injected into the ground:
Then, based on that article, comes this dramatic video showing a virtual PA family allowing the drilling company to store all of the chemicals for a frack job in their yard.  Read the whole article here.

Are you scared yet?  Here is another article from EcoWatch, this one citing a study that says people are scared of fracking's impacts and more research needs to be done on the process.

And if that doesn't do it, how about this article that says earthquakes in California are caused by fracking tests that are being conducted there?

One thing can definitely be said about fracktivists:  they are doing a fine job getting their message of fear out through the media.

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