Happy Hour at Haliburton: Executive Drinks Frack Fluid

From NBC:

A Halliburton executive took a sip of fracking fluid, in an effort to show the controversial process of injecting chemicals deep into bedrock to push out natural gas is safe. 
Halliburton CEO Dave Lesar had a fellow executive take a sip of CleanStim, a concoction he says can be safely used for hydraulic fracturing while at a conference held by the Colorado Oil and Gas Association. Critics have said fluids used in the process contain chemicals that leach into the water table and contaminate drinking water, rivers, lakes and streams.
Environmentalists applauded the effort - to a point. 
"I thought if this stuff was so benign, why wouldn't the CEO drink it himself?" Environmental Defense Fund's Mark Brownstein, who attended, told The Associated Press. "[But] quite honestly, a homeowner in Pennsylvania doesn't have the option of having an underling drink his water. He has to do it himself."

Read the whole article here.

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