Links of the Day: 11 Oil & Gas Stories for Your Perusal

Another article counters Josh Fox's fracking propaganda with facts.

Yale study states the consumer surplus from shale gas in 2010 was $100 billion.

DEP investigating another case of possible methane migration in PA.

Has hydraulic fracturing gotten a bad rap?

Fracktivists favorite Cornell professors continue to reveal their anti-fossil fuel agenda, the bias which is the real reason behind their controversial study results.
Sticking to their guns despite the mountain of evidence that they are wrong about how natural gas compares to coal, and claiming bias for any study that conflicts despite the obvious bias influencing their own studies.

Energy in Depth asks the question that we asked last week: why does the Sierra Club oppose natural gas?  (Clue to the answer:  $$$$$$$$$$$)

The Muskingum Oil and Gas Coalition is looking to gain members and momentum.

Seismographic testing for oil and gas coming to Medina County.

President Obama plans to have more fracking regulations down the road.

Ohio educators learn about oil and gas development through special program.

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