Three New Lawsuits Filed as Shale Boom is Felt in Courtrooms

From The Review:

More than a dozen shale-related lawsuits have been filed over the past year alone in county Common Pleas Court, including three lawsuits filed just this week. The lawsuits are: 
- TGS-Nopec Geophysical Co. and Chesapeake Exploration filed a lawsuit against Marilyn Slates of North Canton seeking access to 332 acres in Hanover Township so it can perform seismic testing. 
The property's mineral rights have been leased to Chesapeake, which hired TGS-Nopec to perform the seismic testing needed to determine the best places to drill. According to the lawsuit, Slates - as the trustee for the land - has refused to sign off the paperwork that would allow the company access to the property for testing. 
The lawsuit asks the court to declare that Chesapeake has the right to have its agent conduct seismic testing on the property, issue an injunction granting them access, and also award the plaintiffs $25,000-plus in damages as compensation for the revenue being lost due to the delay. 
This is the second such lawsuit filed in the county, and the property owners won the first one on a technicality, but the action was refiled with Chesapeake added as a plaintiff. 
- Roger, Carolyn, James and Bruce Starkey of Mechanicstown in Carroll County filed a lawsuit against Patriot Energy Partners of Lisbon, PEP Leasing of Lisbon, Andrew and Thomas Blocksom of Lisbon, and Robert Dickey of Lisbon. The lawsuit alleges...

Read the rest of the article here.

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