Alec Baldwin Called Out as a Hypocrite For His Fracktivism

Alec Baldwin is one of the Hollywood luminaries who have directed their attention and influence towards fighting fracking.  Now he says he wants to build a wind turbine at his private home in East Hampton.  Ironically, it's Baldwin's own stance on fracking that may create a roadblock for his $100,000 project, as he and other fracktivists have crusaded to take away the rights of property owners to dictate what their land can be used for.

From the New York Post:
At Mother Nature Network Matt Hickman notes that Baldwin's own NIMBY-ism may just bite him in the rear-end given that he's spent time, energy and money opposing all sorts of development projects in and around East Hampton. Baldwin "conceived the East Hampton Conservators and has given generously to the East Hampton branch of the Democratic Party and other development-fighting entities," writes Hickman so he shouldn't be surprised if his neighbors oppose his project.   
But the irony aside, it is Baldwin's hypocrisy about property rights that makes the turbine story so offensive. 
After all, it is Baldwin's name that appears first among the list of "artists against fracking," which is a group devoted to denying other private property owners the same rights Baldwin is demanding for himself, namely the right to use their property as they see fit -- and more specifically to better their energy costs. 
The anti-fracking artists group is trying to pessure Gov. Cuomo from approving any fracking anywhere in New York State. 
Baldwin's group denies the fact that hydraulic fracturing has been going on safely and without environmental catastrophe for decades and these "artists against fracking" ignore the obvious enviromental benefits to widespread natural gas use over dirtier coal. 
Meantime, Baldwin insists that wind is the future even though turbines like the one he wants to erect are known to be so loud as to cause migraines and other health issues and haven't proven their economic viability.
Read the original article here.

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