Atwood Lake Resort Lease Deal Finalized

From the Free Press Standard:
The I’s are dotted and T’s are crossed on the lease agreement for Atwood Lake Resort and Golf Course. 
Carroll County Commissioners signed the agreement Thursday along with officials from Radius Hospitality, the group selected to operate and develop the facility over the next five years. 
Scott Yaeger, president of Radius Hospitality, told the FPS the “tough part is over and now it is time to move forward.” 
The company is planning an Oct. 1 opening. 
“We have a lot to do to get ready, but we are already in there working,” he said. “The rooms will all have new beds and TVs and will be nice.” 
The company originally announced they planned to open to the oil and gas industry, which Yaeger said is where they expect a lot of their business to come from initially.
Read the rest of the article here.

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