Carroll County Landowners Win Court Injunction Against Chesapeake

From Farm & Dairy:
A Carroll County dairy farmer has won an injunction against Chesapeake Exploration to stop them from drilling on his property.
The injunction was filed June 29.
Robert, Carolyn, James L. and Bruce R. Starkey, all of Mechanicstown, filed the initial $1 million lawsuit June 11 against Patriot Energy, Buckeye Oil Products, Bass Energy and Chesapeake Exploration.

Agreement reached

Although Chesapeake Exploration is not allowed to begin the drilling process, an agreement was reached on both sides.
According to the judgment entry filed, Chesapeake Exploration is permitted to complete its construction of the well pad on the Starkey property.
The agreement allows Chesapeake to finish the dirt work on and around the well pad. It also allows Chesapeake Exploration to prepare a road around the pad to allow the Starkeys to navigate farm equipment around the pad. Chesapeake is also allowed to install fencing on and around the well pad.
Chesapeake is also allowed to maintain and repair pad site items as necessary. However, they are not allowed to use saline brine on the road for paving or maintenance, according to the judgment order.

No contact

In addition, the court ruled that Chesapeake has agreed to not contact the Starkeys either in person or in writing about changing the unit size until the litigation in the case is decided.
The Starkeys stated in the original lawsuit that Chesapeake has been threatening them with large daily monetary fines if they did not sign an amendment and ratification to increase the drilling unit size to 1,280 acres.
Read the rest of the article here.

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