Fracking Rally Brings People Out in Washington D.C.

Various outlets reported on the anti-fracking rally in Washington D.C. over the weekend.  The pictures look similar to the ones for similar smaller-scale events in the past, and the rally featured the chants, songs, and statements of unvalidated and in some cases outright bizarre accusations about fracking that anyone should expect by now (fracking causing tornadoes?).

Read an article from PJ Media about the rally by clicking here.  This is an excerpt:
What do you get when you bring hundreds of fervent environmentalists and NIMBYs together on the west lawn of the Capitol to denounce fracking, every single fuel that originates from the ground, and, for old time’s sake, Dick Cheney?
You get enviro banjo tunes, the “Ecological Our Father” at the interfaith prayer service (“Our Father, who art in the forest…”), and more punny protest signs built off the F-bomb than even Joe Biden could dream up.
Do it on a standard hot, humid July day in D.C., and add in the global warming condemnations and simultaneous praises of the solar intensity as an endless wellspring of clean energy.
After the jump you can see some pics that don't seem to show thousands of people, as well as a video made by the fracktivists which celebrates their weekend.

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