Josh Fox Responds to AP Article About Bad Science of Fracking Critics

From Josh Fox's Gasland blog comes his response to the AP article that called out fracking critics for basing their claims on bad science.  Fox, in typical fashion, basically just says that the AP article shouldn't be trusted because of the author's bias against fracking, calling out Kevin Bergos for "awful journalism, deliberately trying to skewer important science." Whereas, of course, Josh Fox would never allow his bias against the natural gas industry to influence his viewpoints, statements, and interpretations of scientific studies.

If the facts support Fox's viewpoint, he'd be better served simply stating them and citing his sources.  Accusing others of being invalidated by their bias is more than a little disingenuous when his anti-fracking stance is something he wears as a badge of honor and which clearly influences everything he says.

Anyhow, you can read his response by clicking here.

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