ShaleNet Program Offers Oil & Gas Jobs Training

We have previously mentioned the ShaleNet training program that is available for those seeking employment in the oil and gas industry.

A couple of recent articles provide more information about this course.

First, from Salem News:
Tom Horton said he took a leap of faith when he quit his landscaping job to attend Eastern Gateway Community College's shale natural gas training. 
"I've been hearing about it, so I wanted to see what it's all about and what it might be able to offer me," Horton, 34, of Warren, said. "It wasn't easy making this move but I believe it's going to be worth it. I hope so." 
Horton, who is married with one child and another on the way, is one of 12 students participating in the course to explore opportunities in the well drilling industry. 
The three-week training program provides students with an intensive look at positions in the industry and the steps they need to take to pursue those jobs, instructor Michael Lorms said. 
The tuition-free course is paid for through a $4.96 million ShaleNET community-based job training grant from the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration. Several community colleges from Pennsylvania and West Virginia also are participating. 
"We already know there are a lot of opportunities in the industry," Lorms said. "This course gives people a better look at what options exist for them. 
"These guys start early and leave late," he said. "I can't say that they will all be ready for a job when they're done. They need to be practical. But I think some of them definitely will be. 
''We try to give them as much information and training as we can in these three weeks. It's intensive and it's a lot of information. But it's good preparation."
Read the rest of that article here.

The other article on this topic comes from Energy in Depth and recounts Senator Sherrod Brown's visit to EGCC to find out more about the course.

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