The Frack Attack on DC Gets More Coverage

From the Washington Free Beacon:
Fracking has brought economic benefits to states such as North Dakota and Pennsylvania, while states where fracking is banned, such as California and New York, are suffering economically, according to Stephen Moore, senior economics writer for the Wall Street Journal.
“To be against hydraulic fracturing is like being against a cure for cancer,” Moore told the Free Beacon.
Fracking represents “the most important revolution in the oil sector in decades,” according to a study by Harvard Research Fellow Leonardo Maugeri.
“The protest will be full of Hollywood celebrities and emotions,” said pro-fracking filmmaker Phelim McAleer. “You’ll see Manhattan’s finest, D.C.’s finest, but you won’t see farmers from upstate New York.”
D.C. police on the scene of the rally estimated that about a quarter of the 1,500 protestors were from various Occupy movements.
Todd Stefansky, an Occupier from Manhattan, was among the anti-fracking protestors who walked from the west lawn of the Capitol building to Franklin Square.
“They just pulled up a bus at Zuccotti [Park] this morning and I got on, it’s crazy,” said Stefansky.
Stefansky claimed that fracking “poisons our water,” but was unable to name any harmful chemicals used in the fracking process.
Read the rest of the article here.

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