Thousands Turn Out for Pro-Drilling Event in New York - Media Doesn't Cover It

The media was noticeably absent at a pro-drilling event
From Marcellus Drilling News:
Thousands were there—a prominent New York State Senator, Tom Libous, and a New York Assemblyman, Cliff Crouch, both giving passionate speeches about America and their love for the State of New York. They spoke about American scientists and our educational system—things that give us the knowledge and ability to believe in ourselves. They also spoke about their belief in facts vs fiction when it comes to safe natural gas extraction.
Landowners took to the microphone as well, and even ex-landowners who talked about how they sold their farms due to high taxes and low prices for milk and produce. Speakers talked about their children going to war to protect America’s foreign fuel interests. It was a day belonging to oppressed landowners and farmers, a day in which the call—no matter who yelled it out—was the same: “OUR LAND OUR RIGHT.”
Rain fell in the beginning, hard and sideways, but farmers work in this stuff and they know with lack of rain is lack of crops. Had this been the Spiedie Fest in Binghamton, you would have heard people complaining about the rain. But not here, not this day, because the people at this event know how important water is to a farm, and how important it is to have rain. And how important it is to protect our rivers, creeks and aquifers—the very sources that rain replenishes.
It was a day where friends and neighbors came together to celebrate and appreciate their steadfast efforts in protecting their deeded rights. A day to thank each other and tell of victories and defeats of their four-year struggle.
But something, or rather someone, was missing. They were invited, but where were they? Press releases went out inviting the media to cover the largest gathering of landowners in one area with one purpose since the Bainbridge, NY gathering in 2009. But the media did not show—not one mention in the news of an event that had more people than the Ukrainian Festival and 300 times the attendance of the “Second Annual Splash in The Park” anti-drilling event, which got coverage on all the local TV stations. I think I know why.
Read the rest of this guest article here.  Energy in Depth's posting on the event can be seen here, with several videos and pictures from the rally.

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