Activists Call Out the Environmental Defense Fund For "Selling Out" to Frackers

The Environmental Defense Fund announced a key grant on Friday from Bloomberg Philanthropies.
Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) announced today that it has been awarded a 3-year, $6-million grant for its work to minimize the environmental impacts of natural gas operations through hydraulic fracturing. The funding will support EDF’s strategy of securing strong rules and developing industry best practices in the 14 states with 85 percent of the country’s unconventional gas reserves. The grant was awarded by Bloomberg Philanthropies, a recognized leader in global environmental efforts.
redOrbit (
Read the entire press release here.

Fracktivists quickly responded to say that they won't stand for the EDF selling out to frackers.
I have news for the Environmental Defense Fund: the fracking activist community is shocked that you received $6 million from Bloomberg Philanthropies to advocate for fracking regulations. And we aren’t going to stand for it.
EDF says that they’ll be working for “responsible” regulation in 14 states. Of course, this is just double speak that means swooping into states where there is a strong grassroots movement against fracking and shilling for the oil and gas industry. They will claim to represent environmentalists while they promote regulation that is so weak even the gas industry can live with it.
Of course, everyone in the environmental movement knows that this is EDF’s modus operandi. In fact, for years, public interest advocates have rolled their eyes and complained to one another in private about how EDF undercuts their work time and time again. But, everyone is afraid to speak out because they might upset funders, who are turned off by disagreements among environmentalists.
Read the angry activist's article here.

This is another reminder that the debate over fracking for many doesn't entirely hinge on the safety of the practice.  Many activists want it to stop because they hate fossil fuels, and they will latch onto any piece of information available that may turn public opinion against fracking in order to advance that cause.

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