Fracking Now Being Linked to STD's and the Devil

Philadelphia Weekly features an article that looks at some of the more bizarre accusations lobbed at fracking lately.  Here are just a couple:
5. ...and STDs... 
Last summer, Rep. Mike Sturla (D-Lancaster) took the whole “drilling” thing way too euphemistically when he claimed out-of-state natural-gas workers were coming into Pennsylvania and “spreading sexually transmitted disease amongst the womenfolk.” Specifically, Sturla pointed to a Troy Community Hospital study that noted “an increase in sexually transmitted diseases” and “drug use and specifically ‘bath salts’” near fracking sites. When Sturla’s comments were called “hate speech” by Republicans, he hastened to make clear that he doesn’t think of our fine Pennsylvania women as “womenfolk”—he just figured those carpetbagging drillers do. 
6. …and, of Course, Satanism 
If even one of the above conspiracies is true, it’d seem weird that Harrisburg is ignoring them. Could something more sinister be at play? According to user Frack You! on another fracking forum, the answer is a resounding yes. 
“I started thinking,” the user writes, “who really knows what the real purpose of these ‘deep well injection programs’ really is? They are boring down into the Earth and making earthquakes and flammable water—how do we know that this isn’t some sort of deep-Earth Satanic ritual?”
Read the rest of the article here.

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