Fracktivist Blog Taking in Depth Look at Energy in Depth


Note: This is a series focusing on Energy-in-Depth (EID) and will be presented over the next few days.  The topic of EID and its “dots” is quite a tangled picture.  I hope, by presenting this in parts, it will avoid sending you, the reader, screaming from the room.  
Truthland is a 34-minute movie created by the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA).  The Truthland website promo states: 
 “In the HBO movie “Gasland,” New York City filmmaker Josh Fox tried to scare people into thinking that natural gas development and hydraulic fracturing are new, unregulated and dangerous. It made one Pennsylvania mom living atop the Marcellus Shale wonder what she was getting into. She asked environmentalists, academics and everyday people what they think. Nobody got paid to talk — all they were asked was to tell the truth.”
In general, Truthland is a 34-minute infomercial for the gas industry and is being caravanned around the various shale plays by Energy-In-Depth (EID).  Attendance at the showings has been small or mostly attended by “fractivists”.  
I am not going to go into the anatomy of Truthland’s accuracy, there has been plenty written on that topic:  see: Truthland Lies – by Energy In DepthTruthland Bombs in Buffalo, and Fracking Industry’s Answer to “Gasland”: Devised by Astroturf Lobbying Group and Political Ad Agency.
I will be looking at connections, or if you will – “the DOTS”.
Read the rest of the article here.  Part two is here.

I guess the premise of this series is to expose the details of Energy in Depth being backed by the oil and gas industry, although the fact that they are industry-backed certainly isn't a secret.

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