Laborers Union Gathers Again in Carrollton to Protest Pipeline Contracts With Out-of-State Companies

We previously reported on and shared video of a May 10th rally by the Laborers' International Union of North America.

The group has staged a similar action outside Carrollton today, near the Shaw well, describing the demonstration as a "Community Jobs Rally."

The Akron Beacon Journal has a small blurb about it here, and you can view LIUNA's press release below.
Contact: Michael Engbert, (614) 392-2525 office, (615) 522-7895 mobile, or 
Chesapeake Energy Continues to Ignore Local Workforce & Award Pipeline Work to Out-of-State Contractors 
LIUNA Members Will be Staging a Rally Highlighting the Fact that Shale Gas Jobs Promised to Ohioans are Not a Reality

At 8 a.m. Thursday, August 9, Two of LIUNA’s Locals #809, Stuebenville, and #1015, Canton, situated in the epicenter of the state’s shale gas boom will be staging a job action to educate the public on how shale gas construction work continues to go to companies and workers not from Ohio. The rally will be aimed at Sunland Construction; a pipeline contractor from Eunice, Louisiana whose company headquarters are 1,200+ miles from Northeast Ohio.

Over fifty local construction workers with LIUNA – the Laborers’ International Union of North America – will rally at Sunland Construction’s 3.5 mile 8” inch pipeline project just outside of Carrollton near Chesapeake’s Shaw 20-14-5 5H well site. This is the third such out-of-state contractor Chesapeake has hired to construct pipelines whom LIUNA will be rallying against joining previous ones Progressive Pipeline (Meridian, MS) and STI Group (Buna, TX).

WHAT: Community Jobs Rally / at a Sunland Construction pipeline project near Carrollton to raise awareness of local projects going to out-of-state contractors employing people from thousands of miles away
WHEN: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m., Thursday, August 9
WHERE: 2252 Salineville Road NE (State Route 39)
Carrollton, OH 44615
WHO: Clint Powell, Business Manager LIUNA Local 809
Curt Mayle, Business Manager LIUNA Local 1015
Jonathon White, Organizer Ohio Laborers District Council

The half-million members of LIUNA – the Laborers’ International Union of North America – are on the forefront of the construction industry, a powerhouse of workers who are proud to build America.

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