Pipe Bomb Found on Natural Gas Pipeline

From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:
A con­trac­tor work­ing on a nat­ural gas pipeline in Wash­ing­ton County on Mon­day after­noon unearthed a pipe bomb that was det­o­nated by the Allegheny County bomb squad.
“One of our contractor’s employ­ees found a small pipe device on a right-of-way” where a pipeline is being con­structed near Rural Val­ley Road in Buf­falo, said San­dra James, direc­tor of cor­po­rate com­mu­ni­ca­tions for National Fuel Sup­ply Corp.
Police char­ac­ter­ized the device as a “live pipe bomb” that could have caused a catastrophe.
Ms. James said police later scoured the pipeline route with bomb-sniffing dogs but could find no other devices.
Any­one with infor­ma­tion about the inci­dent is asked to call state police at 724–223-5200.
Read the article from StateImpact Pennsylvania here.

Thank goodness the bomb was found and detonated without injury or death to any innocent people working in the area.  When more information is available, we will update this story.

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