Canton Calls Itself Utica Capital, But Drillers Are in Carroll County

Both the Times Reporter and the Canton Repository ran different versions of the same article today about the shale boom in Carroll County.  Not surprisingly, the Repository avoided the headline that the Times Reporter chose:  "Carroll County is Utica shale capital of Ohio."

Here is a snippet from the Times Reporter article:
Although Canton claims to be the Utica shale capital, Carroll County is where the action is taking place.
Locals first began noticing the oil boom that has swept through Carroll County two years ago.
That’s when landmen from oil companies began offering to buy mineral rights. The companies were seeking rights to drill horizontal wells into the Utica and Marcellus shale formations, where they expect to find oil and natural gas.
The influx of drilling companies has generated jobs, spawned new businesses and boosted the county’s tax base.
“I have yet to see any negatives,” Glenn Enslen, Carroll County’s economic development director, said of drilling in the Utica shale. “I believe it has the power to transform all of Appalachia Ohio.”
Read the rest of that article here.

Meanwhile, the Repository chose a different arrangement to introduce their article, which is entitled "Economy is booming in Carroll":
So far the oil boom that has swept through Carroll County during the last two years has been pretty positive.
“I have yet to see any negatives” Glenn Enslen, Carroll County’s economic development director, said of drilling in the Utica shale. “I believe it has the power to transform all of Appalachia Ohio.”
County residents first began noticing changes during the summer of 2010. That’s when landmen from oil companies began offering to buy mineral rights. The companies were seeking rights to drill horizontal wells into the Utica and Marcellus shale formations, where they expect to find oil and natural gas.
The influx of drilling companies has generated jobs, spawned new businesses and boosted the county’s tax base.
While Canton claims to be the Utica shale capital, Carroll County is where the action is taking place.
Read the rest of that article here.

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