Utica Shale Exploration Gets Viewed From the Air

From Business Journal Daily:
From two thousand feet above, flying over Mahoning, Columbiana and Carroll counties, it’s a challenge to keep count.
Looking out the window on the left side of a small seaplane, we see a well pad waiting for a rig. From the window on the right side, we see bulldozers moving dirt, piling gravel for the well pad being built. Outside the front window, looking to our pilot’s left, we see a drilling rig at work on another site. Then, to the right, two wellheads standing alone on a well pad – a site either in production or waiting to be fracked.
“You can see a lot more from up in the sky than you can from the ground driving around,” says our pilot, Bill Bieber, who flies over this changing landscape nearly every week, both for business and pleasure.
Read the rest of this article by clicking here.

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