Anti-Fracking Group Blockades Well in Youngstown

About 40 demonstrators from Frackfree Mahoning Valley blockaded access to a horizontal fracturing well under construction in Jackson Township on Sunday. 
The well is operated by Consol Energy, and the group says it is located within the environmentally protected area that surrounds the Meander Reservoir, which provides more than 200,000 people in the Mahoning Valley with drinking water. 
Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, is a process in which sand, water and chemicals are pumped into shale at high pressure to release natural gas and oil trapped within the rock thousands of feet underground. 
The protesters blockaded access to the well pad for almost five hours, starting at 10:45 a.m., after which the blockade was ended, according to Sam Rubin, a member of the anti-fracking group.
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