Athens Well Produces Oil Before Being Fracked

From the Athens News:
Early results from a newly drilled oil-and-gas well in Rome Township are still very tentative but initially look promising, one of the partners in the venture said Sunday.
"It's just starting to show some oil," reported Randy Wolfe, of R. Wolfe Oil & Gas, LLC.  "It's just starting to show us some pretty good oil right now."
The Hayes/Wolfe well was drilled into the Utica-Pt. Pleasant shale formation, which underlies much of Ohio and neighboring states to our east and northeast.  
Any reports on the performance of the Hayes-Wolfe vertical deep-shale well are being anxiously anticipated by the oil and gas industry, landowners and environmental opponents of fracking, since that performance, good or bad, will be the first substantial data point for deep-shale drilling in Athens County. If the results look good, that could greatly increase the amount of interest in drilling for oil or gas this far south in Ohio.
Wolfe and local developer James Brent Hayes are partners on the well, which they drilled on land Hayes owns near River Road.
The well will eventually use the hydraulic fracturing method, in which chemical-laced water is pumped under pressure into shale beds deep underground. The liquid fractures the shale, allowing oil and natural gas to be pumped to the surface.
Currently, however, the oil that's coming up is from the Berea sandstone that's above the Utica, Wolfe said. He added, however, that this output is still promising and suggests the Utica below may be oil-rich as well.
Read the whole article by clicking here.

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