Environmentalists Seek Federal Mandate on Chemical Disclosure by Drillers

From Fuel Fix:
Environmentalists on Wednesday petitioned federal regulators to force energy companies to disclose chemicals unleashed by oil and gas drilling.
The move is the latest gambit by environmental activists to shed more light on pollution from domestic oil and gas development, as a surge of drilling sends rigs to North Dakota, Pennsylvania, West Texas and other parts of the country.
Although electric utilities, coal mining operations, refineries and other industrial facilities are required to report chemical releases to a 26-year-old national database known as the Toxics Release Inventory, oil and gas wellhead operations generally are exempt from the mandates.
That could change as a result of the petition filed by more than a dozen groups with the Environmental Protection Agency on Wednesday. The document asks the EPA to add the oil and gas extraction industry to the list of entities that have to file annual reports on released chemicals to the TRI.
Read the rest of this story by clicking here.

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