Mahoning County Debate Over Fracking in Park Has Interesting Twist

People who use Mill Creek Park in Mahoning County have expressed concerns over the potential damage that could be done if fracking is used to withdraw resources from the shale under the park.  At a recent seminar those concerns were rendered rather irrelevant when it was mentioned that fracking was already taking place in the park - and none of the concerned residents could even see any effect on the land.

From the Salem News:
The fact revealed during the seminar is that more than 40 drilling operations are already extracting minerals from beneath Mill Creek Park. All were hydraulically fractured. Yet, nary a soul has even noticed because the drilling operations have left no environmental footprint on park land.
The fiction, therefore, is that a drilling operation would disturb, even temporarily, pristine meadows, hiking trails, bodies of water and other Mill Creek Park treasures.
All 40-some drills were erected off parkland, then horizontally drilled to release the minerals under the surface.
Read the entire article here.

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