Methane Migration Guidance Released by Marcellus Shale Coalition

From StateImpact Pennsylvania:
Either way, the Mar­cel­lus Shale Coali­tion, an indus­try group, has issued guid­ance to its mem­bers about how to han­dle reports of stray gas end­ing up in res­i­den­tial water wells or sur­face water near oil and gas drilling sites. The stray gas can orig­i­nate in coal beds, shal­low pock­ets of methane, and deeper sources of methane such as the Mar­cel­lus Shale. Oil and gas drilling oper­a­tions can cause the gas to migrate into drink­ing sup­plies and sur­face water, but it’s not the only cause.
The MSC says trans­parency and open lines of com­mu­ni­ca­tion with res­i­dents, reg­u­la­tors and emer­gency respon­ders are a pri­or­ity when faced with a stray gas com­plaint. The health impacts of drink­ing water con­tain­ing methane are not known. But the release of high con­cen­tra­tions of methane in a house or other enclosed build­ing can be dan­ger­ous and cause an explo­sion. The MSC says the first response may be evacuation.
To read more about the industry's guidelines on methane migration, click here.

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