Odd News of the Day: Fracktivist Who Says She Can Talk to Animals Uses Misleading Photo in Anti-Fracking Publication

From the New York Post:
Anti-fracking activists led by a woman who says she talks to animals have distributed more than 140,000 copies of a “newspaper’’ that falsely claims a dramatic National Geographic picture of a West Virginia coal mine is a drilling site for natural gas, The Post has found.
The Flowback — The Costly Consequences of Hydrofracking, which is being distributed as an insert in 140,000 legitimate newspapers throughout New York’s gas-rich Southern Tier with help from a wealthy Manhattan-based environmental group, displays a grim color photograph of a mountaintop being destroyed by a large bulldozer under the heading “From My County to Yours, The Last Stand.’’
The photo is presented as a harrowing account by a woman named “Rose Baker’’ of alleged damage near her home caused by the controversial “hydrofracking’’ technique for drilling for natural gas.
However, J. Henry Fair, a prominent nature photographer who took the picture, and a spokeswoman for National Geographic told The Post that the photo actually portrays a coal-mining operation and not natural-gas drilling.
The picture appeared in the March 2011 issue of National Geographic illustrating an account of “mountaintop removal’’ for coal production.
Read the rest of the article here.

Needless to say, people who choose to engage in such clear and verifiable deception in an attempt to demonize fracking are doing more harm than good to the anti-fracking movement.

The talking to animals bit probably doesn't help either.

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