Ohio Congressman Espouses Benefits of Shale Development

Congressman Pat Tiberi Ohio's 12th Congressional District wrote an article featured on Energy in Depth Ohio which talks about the need to continue responsible development of the Utica Shale.

From Energy in Depth Ohio:
As I travel around Central Ohio talking to families and small business owners, I hear three common concerns:  the increasing cost of doing business or making ends meet, the high number of unemployed workers, and the troubled economy.   There are no “silver bullets” to solving these issues, but in Ohio, the Utica Shale Reserve is providing unmatched opportunities for families and businesses.   It’s creating jobs and helping our state’s unemployment rateremain below the national average, bringing an estimated increase of $12.3 billion in gross state product into Ohio’s economy, and enhancing Ohio’s reputation as a great place to do business.
Read the rest of Congressman Tiberi's editorial here.

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