Prominent Fracktivist is Accused of Having a Very Radical Agenda

Activist Bill McKibben is a very popular figure in the anti-fracking, anti-fossil fuel community.  He is usually right out front at anti-fracking rallies, making provocative statements about the evils and horrors of natural gas development.

A new article takes a closer look at some of the things that McKibben has said, giving a little more insight into the mindset of a man whose anti-fracking commentary many people have put great stock in.

From the Washington Examiner:
This was his advice to the hundreds of millions of Americans that use their cars to commute to work: "If you carpooled [six miles per day], you'd have about three pounds of CO2 left in your daily ration -- enough to run a highly efficient refrigerator. Forget your computer, your TV, your stereo, your stove, your dishwasher, your water heater, your microwave, your water pump, your clock. Forget your light bulbs, compact fluorescent or not."
It gets worse. This the alternate food reality McKibben wants for America: "Local, labor-intensive, low-input agriculture." And this is how he sells it: "You'll be standing guard over your vegetable path with your shotgun, warding off the marauding gang that's after your carrots." Yes, seriously: A man that has heavy sway in the Obama White House wants you to drop that grocery bag and go load up on bullets and carrot seeds.
According to McKibben's twisted math, the poorer we are, the better for the planet, because "one-seventieth the income means one-seventieth the damage to the planet." And he doesn't just want to shrink our incomes. He's also looking to shrink the size of human civilization overall. As he's put it, his environmental vision means "the human population would need to get gradually smaller."
Read the rest of the article here.

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