Youngstown Moves Closer to Leasing City Mineral Rights

From WFMJ News:
An ordinance that would allow Youngstown's Board of Control to lease the city's mineral rights to energy companies that want to drill for oil and gas will now go to a third reading before city council votes on it.
The decision was made during the pre-council finance committee meeting because one council member was absent.
Councilman Mike Ray hopes the third reading will buy some time to convince the administration and council to change language in the ordinance that would allow the city to seek out proposals and then bring those proposals back to council before a contract is drawn with a company.
"Let's make sure that we negotiate a lease that has all of our interests. The road use agreements. Even things as prevailing wage for laborers and things like that. They're going to do it on city property. We want to make sure we're addressing those things," Ray said.
Read the rest of the article here.

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