Does Radium From Fracking in the Marcellus Shale Leave Behind a Path of Cancerous Destruction?

From the Huffington Post comes an article which asserts the likelihood that fracking the Marcellus shale is likely to cover the areas where it takes place in carcinogenic radium which will sooner or later lead to widespread death-dealing disease.

From the article:
potential to result in the production of large amounts of waste materials containing Radium-226 and Radium-228 in both solid and liquid mediums," states the report by E. Ivan White. For 30 years he was a staff scientist for the Congressionally-chartered National Council on Radiation Protection.
"Importantly, the type of radioactive material found in the Marcellus Shale and brought to the surface by horizontal hydrofracking is the type that is particularly long-lived, and could easily bio-accumulate over time and deliver a dangerous radiation dose to potentially millions of people long after the drilling is over," the report goes on.
"Radioactivity in the environment, especially the presence of the known carcinogen radium, poses a potentially significant threat to human health," it says. "Therefore, any activity that has the potential to increase that exposure must be carefully analyzed prior to its commencement so that the risks can be fully understood."
The report lays out "potential pathways of the radiation" through the air, water and soil. Through soil it would get into crops and animals eaten by people.
Read the entire article here.  

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