Belmont County Shale Activity Impacts Library

From The Intelligencer/Wheeling News-Register:
There is little doubt that one of the busiest offices in Belmont County this year has been the recorder's office in the courthouse. It has been literally jammed every day by abstractors searching records for the oil and gas companies that have been lured into the county by the rich deposits in the Marcellus and Utica shale.
"And it hasn't let up for the holidays," exclaimed Recorder Mary Catherine Nixon in a rather tired fashion as she poured over records in her office.
Space is limited in the office, which means the crowd of record searchers has to squeeze by one another to retrieve deed books and then do more squeezing to find space on the crowded tables to do their search work. Nixon has strict rules that none of the deed books are to be removed from her office.
Read the whole article here. 

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