Kasich Once Again Takes Drillers to Task for Hiring Out-of-State Workers

From WYSO:
The oil and gas boom has brought in lots of activity to eastern Ohio, and perhaps lots of out of state workers. Statehouse correspondent Karen Kasler reports says that’s a problem for the governor.
Gov. John Kasich has joked several times about the people he wants to see working with the oil and gas industry in Ohio, including in his State of the State speech in February.
“…and with the energy companies I told them, we don’t want foreigners working on our well heads, those are people from West Virginia, Indiana, Michigan and Oklahoma, okay? We want Ohioans on the well head,” said Kasich in the February speech.
But Kasich now says he’s concerned that out of state employees are being brought in to work with the drillers. 
Read the rest of the article here.

Some question the wisdom of these statements by Kasich.  The drilling industry is pouring a lot of money into the state, so is the governor being a little too demanding or pushy by complaining about this - especially when he is also already pushing for an increased severance tax on gas and oil?

The industry response to this criticism by Kasich is that it is more important to hire workers with the particular skills required to work the rigs than it is to hire local workers.

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