Loads of Links: Fracking Perspective From the Toolman, Industry Spokesman Attempts to Downplay Staggering Profits, Josh Fox Promotes Movie He Hasn't Seen, MIT Under Fracktivist Microscope, Ohio Drilling is Behind Anticipated Pace, Drilling Bills and Fracking Legislation in Ohio, Study IDs 44 Pollutants at Drilling Sites

Energy in Depth:  Important Lessons on Life and Shale - from Tim Allen?

The Idea Log:  The theatrics of fossil fuel critics

Viewpoint:  Could controversy stirred up by the Matt Damon movie "Promised Land" help the anti-fracking cause?

Shaleshock:  MIT Joint Frackademia - is MIT's recent study on methane emissions influenced by industry money?

Canton Repository:  Ohio drilling falls short of expectations

Akron Beacon Journal:  Three drilling bills under discussion by House committee

Akron Beacon Journal:  An update on fracking legislation from Columbus

InsideClimate News:  First Study of Its Kind Detects 44 Hazardous Air Pollutants at Gas Drilling Sites

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