New Group "Physicians, Scientists and Engineers for Healthy Energy (PSEHE)" is Another Park Foundation-Funded Activist Organization

From Forbes:
It turns out PSEHE is funded by the Park Foundation.  The Foundation’s penchant for attacking the natural gas industry was noted by E&E News earlier this year.  In short, Park is behind nearly every anti-natural gas initiative to date. Nestled in the sleepy town of IthacaNew York,  the foundation has supported projects ranging from Josh Fox’s Gasland to groups like Earth Justice and Earthworks, as well as efforts to “stop unsafe gas drilling” in the Empire State. I kept digging.
PSEHE was founded by Dr. Anthony Ingraffea, a professor at Cornell University, who is a co-author of a widely discredited study on lifecycle methane emissions from oil and gas development emanating from shale development.  The professor’s research has been criticized by agencies of the federal government (DOE/NETL) and multiple peer-reviewed papers, including a recent Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) study coauthored by a lead author of the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report, who noted the study used “unreasonable” assumptions to arrive at its conclusions. Dr. Ingraffea has also shown an increasing willingness to make statements refuted by experience and independent review. At a June 2012 congressional briefing, Ingraffea claimed that “hundreds if not thousands of cases of water contamination [occur], anywhere shale gas development occurs.”
Read the whole article here. 

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