Dr. Terry Engelder and Dr. Tony Ingraffea to Debate Fracking - Watch It Here
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The Starkey Town Board Invites You to the First Debate in NY State between Pivotal Fracking Pioneers
Dr. Tony Ingraffea of Cornell University & Dr. Terry Engelder of Penn State
Should New York State and/or Starkey Township Allow High Volume Shale Gas Extraction?
Free Admission! All Invited!
“The value of this science could increment the net worth of U.S. energy resources by a trillion dollars, plus or minus billions.” —Dr. Engelder
“They are imposing on us the requirement to locate our homes, hospitals and schools inside their industrial space.” —Dr. Ingraffea
Those unfamiliar or familiar with hydrofracking’s offerings, in favor of or not, or still undecided, should gain new perspectives from this event.
Wednesday January 23, 2013 7:00PM Dundee Central High School Auditorium
55 Water Street Dundee, NY
This should give some interesting and very different opinions on fracking.
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The Starkey Town Board Invites You to the First Debate in NY State between Pivotal Fracking Pioneers
Dr. Tony Ingraffea of Cornell University & Dr. Terry Engelder of Penn State
Should New York State and/or Starkey Township Allow High Volume Shale Gas Extraction?
Free Admission! All Invited!
“The value of this science could increment the net worth of U.S. energy resources by a trillion dollars, plus or minus billions.” —Dr. Engelder
“They are imposing on us the requirement to locate our homes, hospitals and schools inside their industrial space.” —Dr. Ingraffea
Those unfamiliar or familiar with hydrofracking’s offerings, in favor of or not, or still undecided, should gain new perspectives from this event.
Wednesday January 23, 2013 7:00PM Dundee Central High School Auditorium
55 Water Street Dundee, NY
This should give some interesting and very different opinions on fracking.
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