Water Test Results to be Released by EPA

Just a couple of weeks removed from releasing an update on its study of hydraulic fracturing, the EPA has announced that it will be releasing some sample results from water testing it has done in connection with fracking research.

From The Times-Tribune:
Sample results from case study sites in Pennsylvania and across the country are expected to be released in weeks as part of an ongoing federal study of the potential impact of hydraulic fracturing on water supplies. 
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued a progress report for the closely watched study on Dec. 21, but the update primarily described the framework of the broad investigation and drew no conclusions about whether the oil and gas extraction process poses a risk to drinking water. 
The progress report also did not include results from two rounds of sampling the agency completed at each of five case study sites where residents suspect drilling has impacted their drinking water in Bradford, Susquehanna and Washington counties in Pennsylvania and Colorado, North Dakota and Texas.
Read the rest of this story here.

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