Brunswick Decision to Take Anti-Drilling Stance Not Universally Popular

The Brunswick Chamber of Commerce has sent an open letter to the city's council members, expressing disappointment in the decision to take a stand for "home rule" and discourage the energy industry from investing in the community.  The letter, as shared by EID Ohio:
Dear Members of Council,
The Chamber Board of Directors has passed motion regarding the upcoming legislation 4-13 set for a 3rd reading and vote on Monday, February 25, 2013. Our understanding of the purpose of this legislation was to make the State of Ohio aware that the Council of Brunswick did not appreciate the disregard for “home rule” when it came to the oil & gas industry and the specific process known as hydraulic fracturing. Although, the Chamber Board of Directors understands the purpose of the legislation, we feel the result of the legislation will damage the reputation of a business friendly community we have worked so hard to create.
Having had our finger on the pulse of this industry for a few years, we have learned there is very little chance of having this type of drilling done in Medina County, let alone any of the three major cities. Therefore , the Chamber has encouraged our local businesses to act as a support system to this industry. The Chamber believes this is a tremendous economic development opportunity not only for the City of Brunswick, but for Medina County in general. It is very disappointing that our City government would consider passing legislation that would detour any economic growth in our city that can be driven by the activity generated from this industry. By passing this legislation, Council would be sending a message to the rest of the state that the City of Brunswick is not business friendly to this industry or to any other business associated with the oil & gas industry. We strongly oppose this legislation and encourage you to send it back to committee for further discussion.
Any additional questions can be directed to the Chamber office at 330.225.8411 or any of our Board Members.
Melissa J. Krebs
President / CEO

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