No Taxes on Lease Bonus Checks? Three Companies Join to Show People How

From the Zanesville Times Recorder:
Three companies have joined forces to offer workshops on how property owners can save virtually every tax dollar on lease signing bonus checks. 
“We can help them create a structure that allows them to receive lease checks tax-free,” said Kimm Hannan, president of Hannan & Associates.
And further:
Anyone interested can hear about the strategy at their choice of two workshops offered from 6 to 8 p.m. Feb. 27 and 28 at Der Dutchman Restaurant in Walnut Creek, in Holmes County. There is no charge, but reservations are required. 
“It sounds too good to be true, but we’ve gone out on a limb because of the oil and gas phenomenon to see what we can do to help people,” he said.
Read the whole article by clicking here.

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