Report: Former PA Governor Pressured EPA to Drop Contamination Case Against Range Resources

The matter of the Lipsky family versus Range Resources continues to take twists and turns.  Now a new report reveals that former PA Governor Ed Rendell intervened in the matter in an effort to get the EPA to back off in its investigation.

From DeSmogBlog:
The new twist exposed by EnergyWire's Mike Soraghan is that Ed Rendell, acting "as a spokesman for Range" Resources, "proposed certain terms" to EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson. Exactly what was said remains unclear, but the EPA ultimately dropped its case against Range.  

Over a thousand pages of emails obtained by EnergyWire "offer behind-the-scenes insights in a case that has come to be seen as a major retreat by the agency amid aggressive industry push-back and support for natural gas drilling by President Obama."
According to the National Institute on Money in State PoliticsRendell took almost $200,000 from the oil and gas industry in the run-up to his 2006 electoral victory and while governor, he described himself as the industry's "best ally." 
Read the whole story here.

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