FracTracker Expands Efforts to Track Water Quality in Shale Gas Regions

CARROLLTON, OHIO: Carroll Concerned Citizens will host Ted Auch, PhD of the FracTracker Allliance at its April 4 meeting to explain the latest effort to document and understand trends in water quality for shale gas regions.

According to Dr. Auch, “From across the country in areas where unconventional oil and gas development is occurring, accounts of possible water well contamination have been reported by landowners, but these reports haven’t been collected in one place for research purposes. My background is in ecosystem biogeochemistry and I have always been interested in how science shapes our public policy. This new FracTracker Alliance project will be an ideal opportunity to leverage data from various sources and the latest computer mapping technologies to help local, state and national officials in their decision making.”

Paul Feezel, Chair of Carroll Concerned Citizens added, “We’ve been getting quite a few calls lately from researchers interested in studying the long-term implications of shale gas activity on water quality and human health. Until now there hasn’t been a good single-source for detailed water quality data or trends. We are excited to be a promotional partner with FracTracker to assist in the collection of water quality data from landowners and independent water monitoring efforts.”

The meeting is being held at the Church of Christ, 353 Moody Ave. Carrollton OH starting at 7pm. The meeting is free and open to the public.

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