Investigation of Fire at Chesapeake Well Site Continues

From the Herald Star:
An official with the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection said the cause of the fire Monday at a gas well site near Genteel Ridge Road hasn't been verified, but is believed to have originated from a break in a hydraulic line from a pump.
Kathy Kosco, spokesman for the state DEP, said it appears, upon initial review, that a break in the hose caused a spark that resulted in a fire destroying multiple pumper trucks at the site.
Twelve Brooke County and Western Pennsylvania fire departments were called at about 5 p.m. to extinguish the blaze, which occurred on property leased by Chesapeake Energy from Russell Hervey.
The whole story can be read here.

Is anyone out there among our readers concerned about the number of fires and explosions that have occurred at well sites recently?  

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