Local Businesses Feeling the Benefits of Shale Boom

From The Independent:
Local businesses are getting their share of what some might call the Utica Shale bonanza.
Some companies have bought trucks and other equipment.
Many have added employees.
A few have opened new offices or expanded facilities.
Efforts to pump oil and natural gas from the Utica Shale have led to more than just a handful of new service jobs at local hotels and restaurants, said David C. Kaminski, director of energy and public affairs for the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce.
Stark County historically has swarmed with oil men looking for a spot to drill and bring oil or gas to the surface. Companies that for years have directly or indirectly been involved with the oil and gas industry are seeing business increase because of the Utica Shale.
“This is, once again, not a new business to us,” Kaminski said of oil and gas drilling. “It just a business that’s operating at a greater scale.”
Read the whole article by clicking here. 

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