Rosebud Pushes Forward with Coal Mine Application in Heart of Shale Gas Boom

We received the following press release from Carroll Concerned Citizens:

CARROLLTON, OHIO: Carroll Concerned Citizens will review Rosebud Mining Company’s Carrollton Mine application updates at its May 2 meeting. The company plans to move ahead with an initial 9,600 acre shallow underground mine and surface mine portal operation on the former Teeter property just east of the Field of Dreams in Union Township.

Paul Feezel of Carroll Concerned Citizens commented, “We have to consider this just the tip of the iceberg as Rosebud has stated that they eventually plan to expand their mining operation to include at least 30,000 acres of their coal holdings in Carroll County.”

This will be the first intersection of shallow coal mining and the new shale gas well drilling operations in the State of Ohio. Feezel added, “ODNR plans to use only a 150 foot coal buffer between wells and active mining and we worry that any mine subsidence could damage gas well casings critical to protecting our ground water source and human safety.”

The group plans to request that ODNR hold a public meeting so that Carroll County citizens can share other concerns regarding public safety, water protections and long-term property values.

The meeting is being held at the Church of Christ, 353 Moody Ave. Carrollton OH starting at 7pm. The meeting is free and open to the public.

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