What 5 Steps Can Help U.S. to Win at Fracking?

An article on Forbes outlines 5 things that should make up the strategy of drillers and regulators in the U.S. when it comes to fracking.  They include controlling methane leaks and eliminating the so-called "Halliburton Loophole" that "exempts fracking from the Clean Water Act."

Here is an excerpt:
The United States can use fracking as a bridge to a cleaner  future, or it can damage land, pollute water, and spew even more greenhouse gases, an energy advisor to two presidents said at the University of Chicago Thursday night.
“I think as a rule it’s far more expensive to do something stupid and then to clean it up, than to do something right in the first place,” Hal Harvey, CEO of the energy and environmental policy firm Energy Innovation, said at  the Harris School of Public Policy.
Harvey outlined five steps the U.S. should take to ensure that it exploits the benefits of its natural gas boom and avoids the costs.“Getting this right from the start is really important and we’re definitely behind the curve on that.”
Click here to read the whole article. 

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