Youngstown Attorney Says Anti-Fracking Ballot Language Makes the City Look Like a "Bunch of Idiots"

From the Youngstown Vindicator:
Supporters of an anti-fracking charter amendment in the city unveiled two billboards in their campaign to persuade voters to cast ballots May 7 for the issue. 
Members of Frack Free Youngs-town also urged registered voters in the city to cast ballots early for the “community bill of rights.”
And further:
Alan Wenger, a member of the Mahoning Valley Coalition for Job Growth and Investment, an organization working to defeat the charter amendment, said the proposal isn’t enforceable. 
When asked about Meander, Wenger said, “Why don’t they shoot for the Atlantic Ocean while they’re at it? They can’t force anything in the city, let alone outside Youngstown.” 
The state controls all fracking in Ohio, and the charter amendment wouldn’t be enforceable, if approved, said Wenger, an attorney with Harrington, Hoppe & Mitchell and chairman of the law firm’s oil and gas practice group.
But if the issue passes, “it will be very bad for economic development in the area,” he said. “Anyone reading [the ballot language] will think we’re a bunch of idiots. They will also think, ‘Why would we do business in a city that passes a law like this?’ They can go elsewhere and not have to deal with an unenforceable, radical, an anarchistic law that would require them to file lawsuits.” 
Read the whole story here.

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