Article Says Fracking Ban Amendment Loss Was a Win For the City of Youngstown

From the Youngstown Vindicator:
The loss of what was billed as an anti-fracking amendment to Youngstown’s charter was surprising only in its margin of 57 percent to 43 percent. It should have been larger. 
That is not a commentary on any perceived nonchalance by Youngstown residents about hazards that may be presented by the hydraulic fracturing process used to extract oil and gas from shale formations deep beneath the earth’s surface. 
It is, instead a recognition of at least three things: 
The science is still inconclusive as to what those dangers may be. Opponents use anecdotal evidence to claim that fracking is a grave threat to the environment; proponents say elements of fracking have been used for generations with few or no documented cases of a direct link between fracking and, for instance, the contamination of well water. Both sides have distributed widely documentaries supporting their story lines.
Read the whole article here.

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