Attorneys Offer Helpful Advice for Ohio Landowners Considering Pipeline Agreement

From Bricker & Eckler LLP:
The form right of way agreements prepared by pipeline companies are typically brief 1-3 page documents granting maximum leeway in the construction and maintenance of the pipeline while providing little in the way of landowner protections. The payment terms initially offered are also often far less than the amount that can be negotiated. Signing a bad right of way agreement could burden a property's use and development for years to come, with little financial benefit to the landowner.
Although seeking the advice of an experienced oil and gas attorney is highly recommended, here is a short list of key landowner considerations in the event you are approached about a pipeline right of way agreement:
Read the list of things to be mindful of by clicking here.  It's a great read for any landowner who is or might have to face a decision about this.

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